IDOR_Logo.jpgNovember 8 is the International Day of Radiology (IDoR)! 2016 marks the fifth IDoR as well as the 121st anniversary of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen’s discovery of the X-ray. To commemorate the event, more than 100 medical societies will host activities in 57 nations across the globe.


What is the International Day of Radiology?

First celebrated in 2012 on the joint initiative of the American College of Radiology, the Radiological Society of North America, and the European Society of Radiology, the IDoR is an annual event aimed at increasing awareness of the vital role radiology and radiologists play in patient care and safety and in the continuum of health care services.

Radiological technology has enabled medical professionals to more accurately diagnose and more successfully treat patients for well over a century. X-rays were first introduced into in the clinical setting in 1896, and radiation was used in the treatment of cancer as early as 1903. Since then, advances in understanding and technology have made radiology an integral part of patient care, reducing the need for more invasive procedures and providing valuable information and tools for the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of medical conditions.



Focus on Breast Imaging

IDoR_breast_imaging.jpgEach year, the IDoR adopts a theme. In 2016, the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) and the European Society of Breast Imaging join the celebration to promote this year’s focus on breast imaging. The SBI has initiated its “End the Confusion” campaign, focused on clarifying the ambiguity caused by contradictory advice about when and how often women should get screening mammograms. As the organization points out,

  • Breast cancer incidence increases steeply at age 40, with 1 in 6 breast cancers occurring in women aged 40-49.
  • The number of years of life lost to breast cancer is highest among women in their 40s, and this group also accounts for 40% of all life years saved by mammography.
  • Annual mammography beginning at age 40 results in the greatest mortality reduction, the most lives saved, and the most life years gained in the fight against breast cancer.
  • Even the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), which recommends only biannual mammography screening beginning at 50, acknowledges that annual screening beginning at age 40 results in greater numbers of lives saved and life years gained.
  • In a recent study published in Cancer, more than 70% of women who died of breast cancer in their 40s were among the 20% of the sample who were not undergoing screening mammography.


Radiology Learning Resources

At Iowa Radiology, we support the SBI’s mammography screening recommendations and strive to be an information resource for our patients and the community at large. We regularly update our blog with valuable information about radiological procedures and other health topics, so click below to subscribe today! 


Photo credit: International Day of Radiology